
Camping, 4x4, Porterville

About Us

My photo
Porterville, Western Cape, South Africa
Monte Christo Family Resort, situated on the slopes of the Olifantsrivier mountains, 4km from the R44, outside Porterville, offers Accommodation, Camping, 4x4, hiking, birding, mountain biking, waterfalls.. for the whole family.

Monday, December 13, 2010


The Winelands Paragliding World Cup competition started Sunday.

Visit the Flygirl website for daily updates.


Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Whats happening on the farm...

Lucern first cut.

Lucern flowers.

"Lady bird" - Organic pest controle

"Poplap" ...although she's a boy.. who's arguing with a 5 year old?

Table grapes.

Great weather and camping!

We had a 4x4 fun day. Interesting things happens on these trips...

Monday, November 8, 2010

Camping SPECIAL!!!


Book 3 sites, only pay for 2 (3 sites @ R300)
You save R150 per night!!

This special is for the weekend 12-14 Nov 2010.

Please Contact Anso for all bookings

Nov 2010 Rainfall

We had quite a few drops of rain...

The water came rumbling down!

Fortunately we had no damage to the campsite.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

23-26 Sep 2010

Die afgelope naweek was 'n lekker kamp naweek en ek wil net aan almal dankie sê vir die ondersteuning en vir al die positiewe terugvoer.

Baie dankie vir 'n heerlike naweek daar by Monte Christo.
Ons het dit baie geniet!!!

Vriendelike Groete,
Ria & familie

Hi George & Anso, ons wil sommer baie dankie sê vir `n heerlike naweek by jul kampplek. Julle sien ons beslis gou weer.

Hendrik-Jan & Elra Smit (Wellington)


Dankie, ons het baie lekker die naweek gekamp.

Lekker week

Johanette Louw

Thursday, September 16, 2010

MC 4x4 Trail - OPEN !

I've got great news: Monte Christo's 4x4 trail is OPEN!!!

I quote Coenie from "CEDERBERG 4X4":

Its a well planned route through blue gum plantations, rocky riverbed crossings, to the scenic mountain section with spectacular views, will ensure enough driving activities to satisfy driver's needs as well as that of passengers.

The photographers will have enough time to shoot that special action photo of a fellow participant on the route or a panoramic shot overlooking one of our mayor dams in the Western Cape, the Piketberg mountains, Riebeek Kasteel mountains, the green snake of a Bergrivier, Oom Paul-se-Berg and even Table mountain on a clear day.

For Reservation: e-mail Anso at: mcfamilyresort@gmail.com

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Long weekend 23-26 Sept

Do not forget to book for the long weekend in Sept.

Great weather, good fishing, long hikes up the mountain or a walk on the farm or just relaxing around the camp fire..

Flygirl - Paragliding

Please visit our new page on the Flygirl website.


The website belongs to Gaynor Schoeman.

Gaynor is the one to contact if you want information on any paragliding, she's a great person and I've worked with her for a few years now. I can strongly suggest using her.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Great weather!!!

We could not asked for better weather, we are blessed in Porterville.

A whole weekend of sunshine and warm days, birds in the trees and listening to the calming stream that runs trough the campsite. What more do you want?

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Thanx Dr George!!!

One of the sheep had trouble giving birth to her young. We had to help.

She's in trouble, but its not that easy to catch her...

One of the workers managed to catch her and "Dr George" had to pull the lamb out.

He almost did not make it.
We'll keep an eye on them to see if they make it trough the night.

Thursday, July 15, 2010